Eating Together

Since that infamous March 2020, when everything stopped, we haven’t had an indoor Monday meal. Though we didn’t completely shut down, with our meals still distributed through to-go bags, it was a difficult change. It was sad that we had to stand 6ft apart, while wearing masks, and any interactions had to be brief. Over time, as regulations changed, fortunately we have been able to inch closer and closer to extended time with community in a variety of ways. It’s been great doing our art group indoors again, our Sunday church service has moved indoors, we’ve had a variety of events in indoor spaces, but our meals have been the toughest part of our weekly schedule to return to an indoor space. 

Our meal on Monday has always been our biggest program, with 80-100 people. The volume of people is part of the reason it has been so hard to find a space, as well as accessibility- something that is consistently a struggle with older buildings in the city. After a long journey of searching we finally found a great fit in the recreation room of a Toronto Community Housing building, just one block over from where we have been serving our to-go meals! It couldn’t be a better fit, not to mention the fact that much of our core crew lives in that building, so we’re only an elevator ride away. 

September 25th we finally had our first sit-down Monday drop-in since covid! It was quite an adjustment, from a line up to sitting around a table. It was fun to tell everyone the news; that they were invited to join us, have a coffee, and chat before the meal was served. This particular week, to kick off the very new change, we brought the tables outside in the “patio” area of the building. All 10 tables were full just before serving the meal. The space was filled with chatter that just filled my heart. I loved seeing connections being made, laughter around the table, and people accepting the invitation to sit and rest. 

Since it has been 3.5 years of serving food to-go, for this first Monday we kept the meals in their to-go containers for anyone who didn’t feel comfortable staying and eating. Erinn took a moment to give announcements and prayed over the food, which was followed by an encouraging applause. Once the meals were passed around, many people got up to take their food to-go. I was a little saddened that only a few hung around to eat at the table, but I know this is a huge change for some people and it will take an adjustment. 

Since that first Monday, each week more people have been staying to eat. After having our first lunch outside, we began to set up our tables inside the building, and they have been filling up more and more. It’s a different feeling, sitting with community for hours, rather than just the quick pace of the line. It’s so special to be invited into the building by my friends who live there, as they welcome us into their home. My heart feels so full by the end of the day, it has been great to have these moments back. I am excited for us as a community to settle into this new space. It’s encouraging to see the number of people that stay to eat continue to grow and I hope that it increasingly feels like a safe place that is welcoming to all.

Published by olivia

Hi there! I am a Community Worker with The Dale Ministries, and these are my stories and photos.

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